Leadership Tulsa is pleased to announce the second class of the Community and Police Leadership Collaborative (“CAPLC”), a joint venture between Leadership Tulsa and the Tulsa Police Department. CAPLC is designed to enhance social capital—to help bridge divides and build bonds among citizens and those charged with protecting and serving them. CAPLC sponsors include: Leadership Tulsa, Mosaic and the Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation.
You are invited to apply to this cutting-edge trust-building program. Candidates for this program will have a demonstrated commitment to community service and leadership experience. CAPLC is free to participants. Complete the attached interest form and submit it by December 22. In order to participate, you must be able to attend the opening retreat, take part in six morning class sessions, and work in conjunction with an assigned partner on a community project. Please see the attachment for dates and further details.
All applications will be screened and evaluated before selection of the class. Because relationship-building between the members of the class representing the community and those representing the Tulsa Police Department lies at the heart of CAPLC, the cohort will be limited in size to roughly 24 participants—half community representatives, half Tulsa Police Department officers. In the event that you are not chosen for the first class, we encourage you to apply for a subsequent class.
This is a golden opportunity to build relationships and make a difference in the Tulsa community. We know you care, and this is just a further demonstration of your commitment to making our city as great as we know it can be. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
DOWNLOAD dates & Class Information