We are excited to announce the inaugural class of the Community and Police Leadership Collaborative (“CAPLC”), a joint venture between Leadership Tulsa and the Tulsa Police Department. CAPLC is designed to enhance social capital–to help bridge divides and build the bonds of between and among citizens and those charged with protecting and serving them. Our participants include:
Community Members:
Elizabeth Battiest
Richard Baxter
Nicole Cue
Myriah Downs
Stacy Kamau
Manju Kaul
Tim Newton
Sarah Rana
LaTreshia Roebuck
Michael Singleton
Christina Starzl Mendoza
Jonathan Townsend
Tulsa Police Participants:
Sgt. Stephanie Aldridge
Capt. Brian Carlisle
Cpl. Darin Ehrenrich
Capt. Thaddeus Espy
Sgt. Charlie Hardaway
Sgt. Marcus Harper
Sgt. Jack Henley
Cpl. Amber McCarty
Capt. Matt McCord
Sgt. Mark Ohnesorge
Cpl. Naresh Persaud
Capt. Mark Wollmershauser
Thank you to our CAPLC sponsors:
Leadership Tulsa
The TPD Foundation
The Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation.