Leadership Tulsa is now able to offer complimentary estate and charitable financial planning assistance to its members.
In 2013, Leadership Tulsa joined the Tulsa Community Foundation’s Planned Giving Partnership to create the Leadership Tulsa Legacy Circle – complimentary estate and charitable financial planning assistance. For You. For Tulsa. Forever.
For You.
The Leadership Tulsa Legacy Circle is a new program that allows Leadership Tulsa members, like you, to plan for your family’s financial security and give you peace of mind for their future. Through Leadership Tulsa, you have access to estate and financial planning experts, at no cost to you, to help guide you through the process of identifying your needs and wants to plan for your family’s financial future.
For Tulsa.
While helping you plan for your family’s future, you are also making plans to support the causes that you and/or your family care most about with future gifts from your estate.
In addition to helping yourself and your community, your planned gifts can leave a legacy on organizations, like Leadership Tulsa, to build long-term sustainability and provide endowment funds for programs to develop and connect future leaders. The Leadership Tulsa Legacy Circle, established in 2014, will allow us to annually express our appreciation to our legacy donors, raise awareness of the benefits of planned giving, and encourage donors to use their gifts to inspire others.
Contact Wendy Thomas at 918-477-7079 or wendy@leadershiptulsa.org to learn more about these planned giving services. There is no charge or requirement to give to Leadership Tulsa, and you are under absolutely no obligation.
The Legacy Circle
- Matt and Becky Davis
- Herald and Debbie Givens
- Bernard and Jenny Hairs
- David and Lisa Holden
- Ellen Ralph
- Mike and Rainey Talbot Foundation
- Wendy Thomas